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Старый 31.05.2007, 22:00   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Quick Tip - Application Object
Have you ever had a need to run some code, or preform a task after each user's logon into Dynamics AX? Well I had just this need this past week and this is best done by using the Application.startupPost() method. In this method you can place code to call, say another class, to preform a task as each logon, better, after each logon into Dynamics AX.

This is the safest and preferred method of doing such a task. Well thought I would pass this along. Mostly a common knowledge thing, but sometimes it's hard to recall things that you have not touched, or even possibly thought about in a while.

check back soon!

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Старый 01.06.2007, 08:46   #2  
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This is the safest and preferred method of doing such a task.
Хм... safest - это слишком.
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полезное на axForum, github, vk, coub.

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