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DynamicsAxSCM: Product-item data management services
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dynamicsaxsc...-services.aspx
============== Introduction In this blog entry we will provide guidelines for the use of new and modified product-item data management services. Product-item data management services The following services have been created or modified in order to enable manipulation of product-item data. These services are AIF document services so they follow all the conventions applicable to the AIF document services: Service Purpose EcoResProductService Create products (all three types). The service can also be used to retrieve data that has already been created. EcoResProductMasterDimValueService Specify values of product dimensions for a product master. These values become available for the creation of product variants. The service can also be used to retrieve data that has already been created. ItemService Release distinct products and product masters. The service can also be used to retrieve data that has already been created. InventDimCombinationService Release product variants. The service can also be used to retrieve data that has already been created. Setup of product services Product-item services must be enabled on an AIF inbound port before they can be used. All services can be enabled on one port or several ports can be used. An inbound port can be created in the Inbound ports form (System administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports). This article illustrates the creation of two ports:
Create a port that uses a NetTcp adapter 1. For a new port, specify name and adapter: ![]() 2. Click the Service operations button to specify the service operations that are going to be available on the port: ![]() 3. In the Select service operations form, select all the product-item service operations: ![]() 4. Click the Activate button in the action pane strip to activate the port. When the port has been activated, a control appears which displays the URI of a WSDL document for the service. This value can then be used for adding a service reference in Visual Studio. ![]() Create a port that uses File system adapter 1. Specify a port name, and from the list of adapters, select File system adapter: ![]() 2. In the URI field, specify a path to a folder for incoming XML documents that are to be picked up by the service: ![]() 3. Follow the guidelines in the previous procedure to specify the service operations that are going to be available on the port. 4. Click the Activate button in the action pane strip to activate the port. Now you have two ports with product-item service operations available. Use the following guidelines to create and retrieve data. Set up Visual Studio In this article a C# console application project in Visual Studio is used. The only thing that is required here is to create a project and add a service reference for the services: ![]() Create products All types of products are created by using the EcoResProductService service. However, the methods to create a distinct product, a product master, and a product variant are different so each method is described separately. Create a distinct product To create a distinct product, use the EcoResProductService.create operation. First, create a product using C# code, and then create an XML document with data to create a product. The following code creates a distinct product in Dynamics AX: static void createDistinctProduct() As it appears, the create operation accepts an array of products so it is possible to create multiple products in one call to the service.{ AxdEntity_Product_EcoResDistinctProduct distinctProduct = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResDistinctProduct() { DisplayProductNumber = "Bulb60W", ProductType = AxdEnum_EcoResProductType.Item, SearchName = "Bulb60W" }; distinctProduct.Translation = new AxdEntity_Translation[1]; distinctProduct.Translation[0] = new AxdEntity_Translation() { LanguageId = "en-us", Name = "Transparent Bulb 60W" }; distinctProduct.Identifier = new AxdEntity_Identifier[1]; distinctProduct.Identifier[0] = new AxdEntity_Identifier() { ProductNumber = "Bulb60W" }; distinctProduct.StorageDimGroup = new AxdEntity_StorageDimGroup[1]; distinctProduct.StorageDimGroup[0] = new AxdEntity_StorageDimGroup() { Product = "Bulb60W", StorageDimensionGroup = "Std-Dim" }; distinctProduct.TrackingDimGroup = new AxdEntity_TrackingDimGroup[1]; distinctProduct.TrackingDimGroup[0] = new AxdEntity_TrackingDimGroup() { Product = "Bulb60W", TrackingDimensionGroup = "Std-Dim" }; AxdEcoResProduct axdProduct = new AxdEcoResProduct() { Product = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResProduct[1] { distinctProduct } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext(); EcoResProductServiceClient service = new EcoResProductServiceClient(); try { service.create(ctx, axdProduct); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } The following XML code creates a distinct product. Note that storage and tracking dimension groups are specified. The storage and tracking dimension groups are not mandatory information to create a product so the C# code for the creation of a distinct product does not create these groups. </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> The EcoResProduct element can contain multiple Product elements in order to create multiple products in one service call.DMO http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/EcoResProductService/create Bulb40W Bulb40W Item en-us Transparent Bulb 40W Bulb40W Std-Dim Bulb40W Std-Dim Bulb40W Create a product master and a related product variant To create a product master, use the EcoResProductService.create operation. Then use the EcoResProductMasterDimValue.create operation to associate product dimension values with the product master. Finally, use the EcoResProductService.create operation again, this time to create a product variant. The code to create a product master is basically similar to the code that creates a distinct product. One difference is the code that associates the product master with a product dimension group (in the following example: Size-Dim): static void createMaster() When the product master is created, associate two size dimension values with the product master (size L and M):{ //master definition AxdEntity_Product_EcoResProductMaster productMaster = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResProductMaster() { DisplayProductNumber = "RunningShoe", ProductType = AxdEnum_EcoResProductType.Item, SearchName = "RunningShoe", }; productMaster.Translation = new AxdEntity_Translation[1]; productMaster.Translation[0] = new AxdEntity_Translation() { LanguageId = "en-us", Name = "Comfortable running shoe" }; productMaster.Identifier = new AxdEntity_Identifier[1]; productMaster.Identifier[0] = new AxdEntity_Identifier() { ProductNumber = "RunningShoe" }; productMaster.ProductDimGroup = new AxdEntity_ProductDimGroup[1]; productMaster.ProductDimGroup[0] = new AxdEntity_ProductDimGroup() { Product = "RunningShoe", ProductDimensionGroup = "Size-Dim" }; productMaster.VariantConfigurationTechnology = AxdEnum_EcoResVariantConfigurationTechnologyType.PredefinedVariants; AxdEcoResProduct axdProduct = new AxdEcoResProduct() { Product = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResProduct[1] { productMaster } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext(); EcoResProductServiceClient productService = new EcoResProductServiceClient(); try { productService.create(ctx, axdProduct); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } static void createMasterDimensions() Create a product variant with the size L for the product master. One thing that may not be obvious is the value required for the ProductDimensionAttribute field of the AxdEntity_VariantDimValue_EcoResProductVariantConfiguration, the AxdEntity_VariantDimValue_EcoResProductVariantSize, and the AxdEntity_VariantDimValue_EcoResProductVariant entities. The value must correspond to the IDs of the EcoResConfiguration, the EcoResSize, and the EcoResColor tables, respectively.{ //master dimensions definition (two sizes, L and M) AxdEntity_MasterDim_EcoResProductMasterSize sizeDimensionL = new AxdEntity_MasterDim_EcoResProductMasterSize() { SizeProductMaster = "RunningShoe", Size = "L", EcoResSize = new AxdEntity_EcoResSize[1] { new AxdEntity_EcoResSize() { Name = "L" } } }; AxdEntity_MasterDim_EcoResProductMasterSize sizeDimensionM = new AxdEntity_MasterDim_EcoResProductMasterSize() { SizeProductMaster = "RunningShoe", Size = "M", EcoResSize = new AxdEntity_EcoResSize[1] { new AxdEntity_EcoResSize() { Name = "M" } } }; AxdEcoResProductMasterDimValue axdDimValue = new AxdEcoResProductMasterDimValue() { MasterDim = new AxdEntity_MasterDim_EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue[2] { sizeDimensionL, sizeDimensionM } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext(); EcoResProductMasterDimValueServiceClient masterDimensionService = new EcoResProductMasterDimValueServiceClient(); try { masterDimensionService.create(ctx, axdDimValue); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } static void createVariant() The following XML code does almost the same thing. The only difference is that it creates a product master that is associated with a product dimension group where the Color dimension is active. At first, create a product master:{ //product variant definition AxdEntity_Product_EcoResDistinctProductVariant productVariant = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResDistinctProductVariant() { DisplayProductNumber = "RunningShoeL", ProductType = AxdEnum_EcoResProductType.Item, SearchName = "RunningShoeL", ProductMaster = "RunningShoe" }; productVariant.Translation = new AxdEntity_Translation[1]; productVariant.Translation[0] = new AxdEntity_Translation() { LanguageId = "en-us", Name = "Comfortable running shoe L size" }; productVariant.VariantDimValue = new AxdEntity_VariantDimValue_EcoResProductVariantDimensionValue[1]; productVariant.VariantDimValue[0] = new AxdEntity_VariantDimValue_EcoResProductVariantSize() { DistinctProductVariant = "RunningShoeL", ProductDimensionAttribute = 3173,//The ID of the EcoResSize table Size = "L", EcoResSize = new AxdEntity_EcoResSize1[1] { new AxdEntity_EcoResSize1() { Name = "L" } } }; AxdEcoResProduct axdProduct = new AxdEcoResProduct() { Product = new AxdEntity_Product_EcoResProduct[1] { productVariant } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext(); EcoResProductServiceClient productService = new EcoResProductServiceClient(); try { productService.create(ctx, axdProduct); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> Associate values of the Color dimension with the product master:http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/EcoResProductService/create BoardMarker BoardMarker Item en-us Whiteboard marker BoardMarker Col-Dim BoardMarker PredefinedVariants </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> Create a product variant:http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/EcoResProductMasterDimValueService/create BoardMarker Red Red BoardMarker Blue Blue </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> Release productshttp://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/EcoResProductService/create BoardMarkerRed BoardMarkerRed Item en-us Whiteboard marker red BoardMarkerRed BoardMarker BoardMarkerRed 3169 Red Red A product must be released to a company before it can be used in that company. The ItemService and InventDimCombinationService serve this purpose. The former can be used to release distinct products and product masters. The latter can be used to release product variants. A product master must be released before any of its product variants can be released. Release a distinct product or a product master The only information required to release a product to a company is the ID of the product and the ID by which it will be represented in the company (ItemId). It is possible to add information to the ItemService service. In the following example, information about units used for storage, purchasing, and selling is provided: private static void releaseProduct() The following XML code releases a product master with the minimum amount of information required:{ AxdEntity_InventTable inventTable = new AxdEntity_InventTable() { ItemId = "Bulb60W", Product = "Bulb60W", Invent = new AxdEntity_Invent[1] { new AxdEntity_Invent() { ItemId = "Bulb60W", UnitId = "Box" } }, Purch = new AxdEntity_Purch[1] { new AxdEntity_Purch() { ItemId = "Bulb60W", UnitId = "Box" } }, Sales = new AxdEntity_Sales[1] { new AxdEntity_Sales() { ItemId = "Bulb60W", UnitId = "Pcs" } } }; AxdItem item = new AxdItem() { InventTable = new AxdEntity_InventTable[1] { inventTable } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext() { Company = "DMO" }; ItemServiceClient itemService = new ItemServiceClient(); try { itemService.create(ctx, item); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> Release a product variantDMO http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/ItemService/create BoardMarker BoardMarker A product variant can be released once a related product master has been released. When you release a product variant to a company, the product variant can be identified in two different ways.
Use the product number of the product variant (DistinctProductVariant): private static void releaseProductVariants() Use the ItemId/InventDim approach:{ AxdEntity_InventDimCombination releasedVariant = new AxdEntity_InventDimCombination() { DistinctProductVariant = "RunningShoeL", ItemId = "" }; AxdInventDimCombination inventDimCombination = new AxdInventDimCombination() { InventDimCombination = new AxdEntity_InventDimCombination[1] { releasedVariantL } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext() { Company = "DMO" }; InventDimCombinationServiceClient inventDimCombinationService = new InventDimCombinationServiceClient(); try { inventDimCombinationService.create(ctx, inventDimCombination); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } private static void releaseProductVariants() The following XML code releases two variants in one call and uses both approaches to identify a product variant:{ AxdEntity_InventDimCombination releasedVariant = new AxdEntity_InventDimCombination() { DistinctProductVariant = "", ItemId = "RunningShoe", InventDim = new AxdEntity_InventDim[1] { new AxdEntity_InventDim() { InventSizeId = "M" } } }; AxdInventDimCombination inventDimCombination = new AxdInventDimCombination() { InventDimCombination = new AxdEntity_InventDimCombination[2] { releasedVariantM } }; CallContext ctx = new CallContext() { Company = "DMO" }; InventDimCombinationServiceClient inventDimCombinationService = new InventDimCombinationServiceClient(); try { inventDimCombinationService.create(ctx, inventDimCombination); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } </span span style="color: #ff0000;"version/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="1.0"/span span style="color: #ff0000;"encoding/spanspan style="color: #0000ff;"="UTF-8"/span?span style="color: #0000ff;"> SummaryDMO http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2008/01/services/InventDimCombinationService/create BoardMarkerRed BoardMarker Blue We hope that this blog post will help developers to better understand and use the services for the new product-item data model. More detailed information regarding the creation and release of products can be found in the Application user Help in the “Product information management” section. Further developer information about AIF and services can be found on MSDN. By Wojciech Bardzinski ![]() Disclaimer All the information about AX 2012 posted here is a pre-release. Any feature is a subject to be changed before the release without notice. This disclaimer is applicable to all posts about AX 2012 in this blog. Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dynamicsaxsc...-services.aspx
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