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Старый 10.12.2005, 16:40   #1  
mazzy is offline
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SAP is likely to launch a subscription-based customer-relationship management (CRM) service in 2006, although it is not planning an on-demand enterprise-resource planning (ERP) service just yet, as has been reported in news stories.

The plans were discussed by SAP technology chief Shai Agassi at the company's annual analyst event being held in Las Vegas.

SAP will come out with a subscription-CRM product when it meets the needs of small businesses, Agassi noted. Although the company is "still not there," he added that development was progressing well.

The company is not pursing on-demand ERP, according to Bill Wohl, SAP spokesperson. "We will bring out enhanced offerings to our solution set when they're available -- that's all," he said. "The message here is only 'stay tuned.'"

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