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Старый 26.08.2008, 23:05   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: CRM Accelerators – Part IV – Enterprise Search Accelerator

Last week we introduced the Event Management Accelerator which is part of the CRM Accelerators for Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers and partners to be released in the next few months, each week we will unveil more details of each accelerator. In this article we feature the Enterprise Search Accelerator.

Enterprise Search Accelerator – Due to be released in Q3 2008

The enterprise search accelerator allows Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) customers to view and search for Microsoft Dynamics CRM data directly from their SharePoint portals.

By combining these two technologies users from different areas of the business will be able to:

  • View and edit any Microsoft Dynamics CRM data such as accounts, contacts, opportunities, sales orders, invoices, service cases and any custom entity data through SharePoint. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM security model is preserved and enforced so that users can only view or edit CRM information that their security role allows.
  • Launch a SharePoint search which can return documents, emails, web content and Microsoft Dynamics CRM data.
The enterprise search accelerator provides one enterprise portal that users can search and view important customer information and documents from several sources within the organization.

Additionally, the technology, Business Data Catalog (BDC), and techniques used with this accelerator can be employed to surface data from other line of business applications to further enrich the SharePoint portal.

The BDC makes it easy for people to connect to, find, and act on information stored in structured line-of-business systems (such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM) by using a declarative framework to securely integrate them into search results.

With the BDC customers and partners can configure actionable audience-specific portals, dashboards and mash-up interfaces for this data without writing any code.

The following image is taken from the beta version of the Enterprise Search Accelerator:

Kind regards,

Reuben Krippner

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