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Старый 25.08.2009, 08:05   #1  
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Kashperuk Ivan: Inside Dynamics AX 2009 – Russian Translation

As you all know, Microsoft has recently released another book on development in Dynamics AX, called Inside Dynamics AX 2009.

For the past 2.5 months, I have been working on the Russian translation of this book, and now I am glad to say that the translation is over and will soon hit the shelves of online-stores. I guess it will also be available directly from Microsoft Russia, similar to the 4.0 version.

The book has gained a lot in weight :) and content. With more than 200 new pages, as well as many changes and updates of the existing chapters, the book is definitely a good investment. New “hot” features of Dynamics AX, like SSRS reports, Workflow, Role centers, etc., are described in the book from a developer point-of-view.

I really hope that my effort will not go in vain, and the book will be helpful to people working with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.


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