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Старый 28.10.2006, 16:40   #1  
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Регистрация: 28.10.2006
Dynamics AX: Dynamics AX New Zealand Users Group
Some of our Down under brethern from the New Zealand Dynamics AX users group contacted me and wanted to know if they could post a link to my blog from their site.

I fill honored in such a question and felt it worthy to post about them. Their site can be located by Clicking Here! This group, right off, has a wonderfully designed web site. Very professional, that looks like it could easily allow for a central place that New Zealand and Austrialian based Dynamics AX users could use to connect with and really get great beenfit from.

Already they have a great list of members and I have submitted to become one. Though I am not in New Zealand I would be honored to be considered a member of their group and would help that I could add benefit by my blog postings, and possibly even attending an event there.

So with this post I welcome our down under brethern to my blog and I wish them all the best and hope that I can help with their building of a wonderful Dynamics AX social network.

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