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Старый 20.11.2006, 14:37   #1  
denm is offline
Columbus IT
Columbus IT
126 / 51 (2) ++++
Регистрация: 03.11.2005
Сообщение от Andrew K. Посмотреть сообщение
Hello Denis,

Do you think dev. experience of 1 year is enough for EU / US markets? What's the real position of such a developer in ODC? Are you sure that a developer of 1+ is able to handle all incoming requests alone without supervising and controlling?

Thanks and BR, Andrew

I suppose that it should be enough to have at least 1 year of experience to work along with team of high-professionals and to grow fast in this team. I mean of course developer with such experience (1-1,5 year) is not enough to work directly with the customers from EU/US yet. But as you probably know we have own implementation methodology called Diamond in Columbus. According to this methodology we have several project roles like Developer, Senior Developer, Solution Architect. So, developer with the experience near 1 year or so is supposed to get acquainted with this methodology during 1-3 months. This helps to become familiar with international standards of our group. Also we have a strong institute of coaching in our Company, i.e. developer will be leaded by Senior Developer as regard to the project activities and to the self-development as well.

Regarding the positioning of such developer - there is BSC implemented in our Company. So, developer will be estimated and positioned to the grade according to his skills and experience. During the work - developer is growing regard to the grades, and accordingly grows his compensation.

Hope I've given you quite satisfying answer.

If you have any other questions or need something to be clarified additionally - feel free to ask me here or by e-mail.


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