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Старый 21.01.2004, 11:52   #1  
paucer is offline
24 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 11.11.2003
Адрес: Kaunas
Buisness Connector drives me crazy. Please help!
The situation is :
Client connects to AOS and exports SimpleWebApplication (SWA) to website (IIS works properly - I tried some other IIS configurations until found the right one, so I think the problem doesn't concerns IIS).
I registered Axapta Buisness Connector (BC) and set it up. BC satus test in Axapta shows that everything is ok - the axcom.dll found, AOS conected successfully.
SWA export causes no errors or warnings. But when I try to view exported web site, i get an error:
Error Type: AxaptaCOMConnector.Axapta.1 (0x80041004) The Navision Axapta Business Connector is currently connected to another Navision Axapta system, thus it cannot log on to the specified Navision Axapta system.
I had more than one configuration in AxConfig and used BC to work with more than one AOS. It seems somehow BC captures old values and tries connect to older AOS.
In order to have clean BC registration I deleted previous BC registrations from windows Administrative tools/Component services, also i deleted registry, that contained old BC values. I left only one configuration in AxConfig - the one that i need.
But the error still persists.
I have no more ideas how to set up buisness connector to log on to the Axapta System that i need.
Can anybody help me with this?
Does anybody knows how to unregister certain *.dll file in windows?
Thank You
P.S. Please, write answers in Russian, it's ok for me.
Старый 21.01.2004, 18:18   #2  
AlEr is offline
33 / 15 (1) ++
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Адрес: Moscow
Это звучит немного странно, но коннектор необходимо всегда гасить (shutdown), когда меняется подключение. Рекомендуется также делать это тогда, когда используется та же конфигурация, но меняется контент страницы. Гасить в конфигурационной утилите на соответствующей закладке. При попытке загрузить страничку коннектор запустится обратно.
Старый 21.01.2004, 18:37   #3  
paucer is offline
24 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 11.11.2003
Адрес: Kaunas
Yes, I noticed, that Buisness Connector must be shut down every time I change the configuration. Presently I left the only configuration so that Buisness Connector should connect to the only AOS, but it seems it acts a little bit different. What other Axapta System is it connected to?

Any other ideas?
Старый 22.01.2004, 08:56   #4  
AlEr is offline
33 / 15 (1) ++
Регистрация: 31.07.2003
Адрес: Moscow
I suppose you have already checked SWA setup tab page (see the attached picture) but I'd like to be sure.
Нажмите на изображение для увеличения
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Просмотров: 398
Размер:	29.2 Кб
ID:	1560  

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