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Старый 09.01.2009, 06:03   #1  
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Solutions Monkey: Getting Around Thread was being aborted error when creating EP site.
Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year!!!

When you are trying to create EP Site on a machine low in memory or processing power, some times you may get “Thread was being aborted.” Error. To avoid this error, you should increase the executiontimeout.

Change connection time-out properties in the web.config file

1. In a basic text editor such as Notepad, open the web.config file for example %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Inetpub\wwwroot
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80 folder

1. Press CTRL + F to open the Find dialog box.

2. Find the following tag:

3. Replace it with this tag:

4. Find the following tag (you might have to search from the beginning of the file):

5. Add the following tags on new lines after the tag:

6. Find the following tag:

7. Add the following tags on new lines after the tag:

8. Save your changes, and close the web.config file.

9. At the command prompt, type iisreset, and then press ENTER.

10. Try to create the top-level Web site in SharePoint Portal Administration.

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